About me

I'm Lyndsay and welcome to Something Blue Living

I live in the beautiful city of Cape Town in South Africa.
After living in London and Mallorca Spain for almost 17 years away, we moved back home and LOVE it!

Whilst living abroad I was exposed to many different styles and influences in interior decor, but particularly fell in love with the relaxed Mediterranean style of living. This is where the passion seed was planted and has been growing ever since! Europe is brimming with beautiful old finds and that was the inspiration behind Something Blue Living.  My husband and I share this love of finding beautiful vintage treasures and up- cycling and are both passionate about the transformations. 

I studied Fine Art & Teaching but have always been obsessed with beautiful interiors Ive encounted on all my travels!

My passion for interiors led me to start this blog, that eventually also led to an online shop selling all kinds of vintage treasures!. Its a space to find inspiration for similar styles that evoke the feeling of beach and country living.  I love researching and writing and have also started a Something Blue Living page on Facebook which you can like and follow below for daily inspiration without much reading!


We also have a lovely collection of ideas and images on our Pinterest page  for all the more specific areas like bathrooms, kitchens, kids rooms etc.

I believe in miracles and magic!

         So… whats it all about?

Decorating with conscience... Combining the elements of old, new, borrowed and blue, (that generations have believed is key to a good life...) these four elements too can be used in the way we decorate our homes, in order to satisfy us emotionally, aesthetically and psychologically.

The main aim of this blog is to take some time to have a look...and open our eyes and learn how we can achieve stylish interiors without destruction and waste, by reusing and upcycling, learning about colour and light. and how elements have to work together to create true harmony within our lives. 

 I know this may sound a bit crazy but really our brains are so programmed to immediately like or dislike, that we often miss the crucial elements that lie within a room, that actually define the success of it.

By success, I don't mean appearing on the cover of a magazine, but simply satisfying us on various different levels, leading to the psychological and emotional benefits of living in a satisfying space, and how that impacts us as individuals.

The main ingredient that I feel is key to establishing this balance between the various elements, is tied to who we are, and what essentially makes US happy.

Following trends or copying someone else's style will never achieve the satisfaction of creating and developing  your own personal style. 

Here,  I will be exploring the other side of decorating, focussing on becoming socially and emotionally conscience of the choices we make, how they reflect our past and what impact they will have on the future...

                           and......there are also a few more unique page additions on the way
                            with interviews, product reviews and guest bloggers (with a difference!)

I know we are all busy and dont have much time,, so my aim is to let my readers feel like they have had a refreshing visual swim in the sea when they visit, refreshed and inspired!

hope you like! Lyndsay

Images via Pinterest


  1. Hi lyndsay!

    Wow I really like your blog! Do I know you from Bloggingyourway 2.0?
    I see on your post above that you want to work with guestbloggers. As I am a interiorstylist and since 2 month also a blogger I would like to work with guestbloggers to.
    Maybe we can cross over to eachother.

    Like to hear from you!


    1. Hi Marina

      That sounds great, Im in the process of styling all the shots for my painted furniture, so perhaps we can swop notes too as Im also new to this! Yes Im in BYW and loving it!x

  2. Great i really enjoy your facebook pictures every day! Keep om posting! You know where to find me ;-) Sunny greetings from andalucia, enjoying my last vacation days in Spain.


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